1. News -

    Representatives from Healthwatch Shropshire recently travelled to London to join forces with more than 100 fellow local Healthwatch organisations at the annual parliamentary reception.
  2. News -

    People keen to influence the future of the NHS in Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin are being encouraged to make their views known. The NHS is developing a local plan and needs your help.
  3. News -

    Hundreds of people in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin have shared their views on how to improve local NHS services.
  4. News -

    How easy is it to get an appointment with your GP or practice nurse? We carried out some research in 2015 that showed patients lacked an understanding of how GP appointment systems worked and we are still hearing that message.
  5. News -

    Are you or someone you care for living with a diagnosis of dementia? If so please share your experiences of dementia care plans.
  6. Report -

    We wanted to understand the way this combined clinic works (doctors in different specialties work on the same afternoon) to meet the various needs of cancer patients in particular and how the pressures on the clinic impact on patients.
  7. Report -

    The purpose of this visit was to find out if patients have been effectively communicated with about their care and hospital discharge arrangements, and whether they are treated with dignity and respect.
  8. Report -

    Following the reconfiguration of wards from single to mixed sex occupancy concerns had been raised. We wanted to speak to service users to understand how sae they felt and if they felt supported by staff.
  9. Report -

    The primary purpose for this visit was to understand whether the new location of the Eye Clinic has improved the quality of patient care, both clinically and in terms of the environment. We also asked about the Accessible Information Standard.
  10. Report -

    The purpose of the visit was to find out if patients are treated with dignity and respect, have privacy and that staff respond appropriately to meet care needs, including preparation for discharge.
  11. Report -

    Following the reconfiguration of wards from single to mixed sex occupancy concerns had been raised. We wanted to speak to service users to understand how sae they felt and if they felt supported by staff.
  12. Report -

    The purpose of the visit was to speak to patients about their experience of being on the ward. To find out if they feel they are given the information they need, are listened to and involved in on-going decisions about their care and treatment.
  13. Report -

    The purpose of this visit was to explore why people have come to the Accident and Emergency Department and understand their experience of the service.
  14. Report -

    The purpose of the visit was to explore the quality of the patient experience on the ward.
  15. Report -

    The purpose of the visit was to explore the quality of the patient experience on the ward.
  16. Report -

    The purpose of the visit was to assess the levels of confidence in maternity services and care following the Maternity Services review and reconfiguration.
  17. News -

    Online GP consultations have been introduced at some GP practices in the county.
  18. Blog -

    How our volunteers help us to make a difference.
  19. Blog -

    We are really pleased to see that the Local Maternity Service has taken your views into account
  20. Report -

    The purpose of the visit was to understand the quality of care provided in a temporary ward; what the patient experience is, and if there are challenges that are perhaps not found in permanent wards.
  21. Report -

    The purpose of the visit was to be assured that patients are treated with dignity and respect, have privacy and that staff respond appropriately to care needs, including preparation for discharge.
  22. Report -

    The purpose of this visit was to explore the continuity of care between the acute, rehabilitation and discharge home phases of care after a stroke.
  23. Report -

    The purpose of this visit was to explore why people have come to this Minor Injuries Unit (MIU), and their experience of the service available.
  24. Report -

    The purpose of the visit was to explore why people have attended the Minor Injury Unit (MIU) and understand their experience of the available service.
  25. Report -

    The purpose of this visit was to explore why people have come to this Minor Injuries Unity, and their experience of the service available.
  26. Report -

    The purpose of the visit was to explore why people have attended the Minor Injury Unit (MIU) and understand their experience of the service.
  27. Report -

    Healthwatch Shropshire visited eight care homes registered with CQC as providing some level of Dementia care to learn more about the care they provide and identify areas of good practice. The visits included both residential and nursing homes. We chose care homes of varying size and CQC rating and in different areas of Shropshire.
  28. News -

    We have carried out a series of visits to care homes who provide dementia care across the county to learn more about the care they provide and to identify areas of good practice.
  29. Report -

    To find out if patients feel comfortable and are kept well-informed about their care and treatment on this very busy ward.
  30. Report -

    The purpose of the visit was to explore the continuity of care between the acute, rehabilitation and discharge home phases of care after a stroke, including the point at which patients are moved to the rehabilitation ward at RSH.
  31. Report -

    The purpose of the visit was to explore the quality of the patient experience on the ward.
  32. Report -

    The purpose of the visit was to explore the quality of the patient experience on the ward.
  33. Report -

    The purpose of the visit was to explore the quality of the patient experience.
  34. Report -

    Agenda and associated papers for the Board Meeting in public
  35. Advice and Information -

    Are you having trouble finding an NHS funded dentist? Read our tips on what to do if you’re facing problems.
  36. Report -

    Hospital based ophthalmology services
  37. Blog -

    You contacted us to share your experiences of stroke services, in particular concerns about the service being moved from Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH) to Princess Royal Hospital (PRH).
  38. Blog -

    Patients with glaucoma contacted us to tell us that eye appointments had been cancelled suddenly and new appointments given for New Cross Hospital in Wolverhampton.
  39. Blog -

    In the summer of 2016 we were contacted by members of the public telling us about difficulties they were having accessing NHS dentists.
  40. Blog -

    You contacted us to let us know that you were having difficulty registering with a GP practice because you didn't have all the documentation they were asking for.
  41. Blog -

    Residents at a local care home were very upset with some building work that had reconfigured the communal living space.
  42. Blog -

    Following a lot of media coverage of maternity services in Shropshire, in particular about the rural midwife led units you have shared a number of patient stories with us about experiences of giving birth in Shropshire.
  43. Blog -

    During our regular stands at the community hospitals we noticed that there were a number of clinics that had been cancelled. We talked to the patients affected by this to find out how this had impacted on them.
  44. Blog -

    You told us that, as carers for people with mental health conditions, you felt unsupported by healthcare professionals. You told us that you often felt uninvolved in the treatment of the person you care for.
  45. Blog -

    You shared your experiences with us of using Physiotherapy Services in Shropshire as part of our August Hot Topic.
  46. Blog -

    Closure of the Meadows Medical Practice in Knighton
  47. Blog -

    We received a comment from someone questioning why they had been referred to Birmingham for bariatric surgery when this procedure can apparently be done in-county.
  48. Blog -

    In March this year we asked you about your experiences of accessing and using your local pharmacy. This coincided with the stakeholder consultation taking place around proposed changes to community pharmacies.
  49. Blog -

    A care agency worker contacted us expressing concern about the poor recruitment process by their management team, a lack of understanding of conditions of employment and poor quality of training for staff.