Shropshire Care Services Directory

Information for older people and adults with disabilities about the range of social care services available across the county.

Healthy Shropshire Directory

Find local services to support a healthy lifestyle, including exercise, weight management, alcohol, smoking and substance misuse services.

Shropshire Choices

To help Shropshire residents, particularly those who find they need support, make informed decisions to help improve their care and well-being.

Community Directory, Shropshire

Comprehensive database of local community groups, clubs, societies and organisations including for Health & Social Care and Self Help Groups.

Shropshire Family Information Directory

Local and national organisations and services that exist to support children, young people and families, including Health & Wellbeing and Disability/Additional needs.

Helplines Partnership

Details of national and local helplines for a range of areas including health.

Shropshire Citizens Advice Bureau

Offer free, impartial advice on a range of issues, such as housing, debt, benefits and legal matters

Community Advice & Advocacy Network

Set up to deliver 'Information, Advice and Advocacy Services for Adults' in Shropshire

Shropshire Special Education Need or Disability (SEND) Local Offer

To enable parents and carers of Shropshire children with a special educational need or disability (SEND) to find information about the services, support and resources available to them.

Shropshire Local Directory

The Shropshire Local Directory gives information on support organisations in the towns and villages in Shropshire.

Shropshire Larder

A directory of services for people living in Shropshire on a low budget. It has information on how to access a foodbank or community food project, and how to eat well on a budget. It also covers how to get support with benefits, housing, and debt.  

Disability Oswestry Group Directory