1. Report -

    This research follows a two year project, during 2014 - 2016 to develop a death education programme in response to the needs of a number of bereaved young people in Shropshire who had developed anti-social, self-harming, or low self-esteem issues.
  2. Blog -

    Following a lot of media coverage of maternity services in Shropshire, in particular about the rural midwife led units you have shared a number of patient stories with us about experiences of giving birth in Shropshire.
  3. Report -

    Healthwatch Shropshire was involved in Phase 1 of this review with a seat on the MLU Review Board. We took along over 300 pieces of feedback that we have received from services users.
  4. Report -

    Following the reconfiguration of wards from single to mixed sex occupancy concerns had been raised. We wanted to speak to service users to understand how sae they felt and if they felt supported by staff.
  5. Report -

    We were made aware that there are some issues around the information provided for members of the public about access to Mental Health Services in Shropshire.