1. Advice and Information -

    This is an independent step by step guide to making a complaint about any NHS service. It is designed to give you everything you need to lodge you complaint. Produced by Healthwatch Shropshire's Independent Health Complaints Advocacy Service.
  2. Advice and Information -

    Fact sheet to help you write a letter of complaint.
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    The Advocacy Charter was published in July 2002 and defines and promotes key advocacy principles. This charter is the basis for Healthwatch Shropshire’s Independent Health Complaints Advocacy Service.
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    Details of the complaints contact points of local NHS providers
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    Healthwatch Shropshire provides the Independent Health Complaints Advocacy Service for people who receive NHS services in Shropshire and for Shropshire residents who receive NHS services outside the county. This leaflet will give you an overview.
  6. Advice and Information -

    Use this to help you keep track of all important conversations, agreements and documents