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    People have told us they can have problems registering with a GP. This article explains more about your rights and what do to if you are refused the right to register.
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    Find out what support is available to help you travel to your hospital appointments.
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    Four questions staff should ask you or a loved one about your oral health if you’re a care home resident, according to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence quick guide.
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    End of life care is support for people who are in the last months or years of their life. The guidance on the NHS website helps you know what to expect, how to plan ahead and how to manage your day to day decisions.
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    Receiving laboratory test results can be a stressful experience. If you are unsure about your tests and the results this resource can be very helpful.
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    There are many health and well-being apps available. To help people find those which meet national standards, regulations and industry best practice the NHS has assessed the apps on the list against a range of NHS standards.
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    healthtalk.org provides free, reliable information about health issues, by sharing people's real-life experiences. You can watch people sharing their stories about cancer, autism, motor-neurone disease, pregnancy, drugs, depression and much more.
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    If you are confused by the language commonly used by people working in and around the National Health Service this guide aims to help you. It covers definitions of over 1000 commonly used acronyms and abbreviations in the NHS.
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    The Social Care system can be complicated, this guide is designed to help people understand the language used by experts. It lists the 52 most commonly used social care words and phrases and what they mean
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    This is an independent step by step guide to making a complaint about any NHS service. It is designed to give you everything you need to lodge you complaint. Produced by Healthwatch Shropshire's Independent Health Complaints Advocacy Service.
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    Are you having trouble finding an NHS funded dentist? Read our tips on what to do if you’re facing problems.
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    Confused about Long Covid? Find out the common symptoms and when to get support.
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    It’s easy to feel isolated and alone when struggling with Long Covid, but we are here to help to you find the support and treatment you need.
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    Health and Social Care staff often hear experiences from people about the services they are using and staff may wish to share what they hear to help improve patient and service user experience.
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    When you need specialist NHS support, like hospital tests or treatment, you often need a referral from your GP first. Find out what this includes and what to expect.